Are Smart Homes Worth the Investment?

Are Smart Homes Worth the Investment?

The progression and development of technology have unvaryingly revolutionized our households. From smartphones to voice assistants to smart appliances, people have been attracted more and more towards smart homes. Smart home technology will soon become a permanent fixture in everyone’s home, as smart homes will make your life so much easier and comfortable. In the coming decade or two, the technology is only going to get much more advanced.

However, are smart homes worth the investment? Converting your home into a smart one will be expensive and complicated, to say the least, but will the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? Let us go into detail and see if smart homes are a worthy investment. 

Increasing Acceptance and Usage

The concept of smart homes has taken root in the last decade or so. It is not just for technologically savvy young couples; young and old alike have adopted it. It is not just a fad; it is the next evolution in science and technology. Besides considering it for their own residence, real estate developers and investors are also interested in developing smart homes as they have a higher value than conventional homes. 

Now, let us go into the details of what a smart home really is. A smart home allows you to control all the electronic appliances and devices in your home like thermostats, lights, TVs, security cameras, locks, audio speakers, appliances, etc., remotely through your smartphone or any other device. This technology is any device, appliance, or system attached to a common network, which can be then independently and remotely controlled by you. You can set up your smart home through a wireless or hardwire system. Your smart home technology allows your home to become connected as one, as all your appliances are linked into a common system. 

For example, before you get home from work, you can contact your smart home on the internet to make sure the shower is at the right temperature, the dinner is cooked, the air conditioner is on, the blinds are drawn, and your cat is fed. Amazing, isn’t it?

Statistical data shows that most of the owners want to convert their homes into smart homes. However, many of them have a genuine query as to whether smart homes are investment-worthy. Besides costing a lot of money in installing the system, there are many pros and cons associated with smart homes. Let us look into some features, which make smart homes a worthy investment. 

What Makes Smart Homes Investment-Worthy?

Smart homes bring great convenience into our lives. They are more secure, safe, and a lot more comfortable than a normal home. They are also environmentally friendly and, in the long run, save you money too!

A smart home is an investment where you can expect a return. Your lifestyle will get so much better and comfortable, there will be cost savings in the end, and your property value is definitely going to get higher for resale. 

With an extra expenditure of $1,000-3,000 in a smart hub, you can elevate your smart home experience. Though convenience, style, and security are the three main features of smart home systems, several reasons make a smart home a worthwhile investment.

  1. The most significant advantage of a smart home is the convenience and comfort it provides. It maximizes efficiency to a greater level. They also significantly increase our accessibility and security. Without getting up from your couch, you can adjust the temperature of your home, control the lighting the way you want, play some music or shut the blinds.
  1. The absolute control that comes with a smart home is impressive. With a single device or program, you can control your entire range of smart appliances. Incredible, isn’t it? You can have your shower temperature set and your coffee brewing by the time you get up in the morning!
  1. Smart homes are a great time saver. You can plan different things you want to be done at a specific time of the day and adjust the settings accordingly.  You do not have to be present physically every time to get your job done. 
  1. Sometimes, when you are at work and want to let some people into your home for a routine cleaning or any repair work, your smart home will step in. Your smart home system allows you to open your home using remote access to the doors and let the workers do their thing. 
  1. Your smart home will send you immediate notifications if anything goes out of order. If someone attempts to rob your house, you will immediately receive a message that an unauthorized person is there in your home. You can instantly alert the concerned authorities, and the intruder can be detained in no time. 
  1. Besides appliances, smart homes also let you control other features of your home remotely. By voice command of your smartphone, you can order your doors to be locked, place phone calls, and perform numerous other functions. This technology also lets you take care of lawn watering and pet feeding, performing them according to your schedule.
  1. Your smart home will also save lots of energy. Automating the heating and cooling systems in your home will save money as well as energy. A programmable smart thermostat will learn your schedule and temperature preferences and adjust heating and cooling accordingly. 
  1. Smart homes are a worthy investment because of the enhanced security they provide. Smart homes are much safer with a smart lock system, installed cameras, and other security paraphernalia than conventional ones.
  1. Smart homes are also a good option for elderly people living in the house. Voice commands to operate various gadgets and appliances will allow them to be independent and make their lives easier and more comfortable.
  1. Lastly, smart homes have a higher resale value, which is considerably higher compared to conventional homes. With home automation features like smart security, climate control, appliances, and entertainment, smart homes are in great demand. They are a great investment prospect.

Downsides of a Smart Home

Together with its advantages, there are also some disadvantages of smart homes. Let us have a look at some of them:

  1. You need a hefty sum of money to install a smart home system. Though smart homes provide great convenience and comfort in our lives, you must be prepared to invest a good sum of money in setting them up.
  1. A smart home system to function appropriately will require robust and consistent internet connectivity. Low internet connectivity will result in serious ramifications for your devices, and they will not function the way they should. 
  1. Though smart homes provide more security than a normal home, there are safety issues to that also. An intruder can hack your smart home, and more worryingly, your data can be stolen too. 
  1. Another downside of a smart home is dealing with the technical issues involved. Smart homes have complex and technologically advanced systems and are pretty susceptible to technical glitches. It may result in a malfunction of your devices and security system.
  1. The maintenance and repair of a smart home system can be intricate and expensive. Moreover, finding somebody with the expertise to resolve these issues is many times difficult. 
  1. One of the main disadvantages is the limitation of the devices that you can connect to a particular network. If you connect more devices and security systems, the network will congest due to large data transfer. This may result in the slow down of the functions caused by reduced transmission speed.
  1. Smart homes may worth the investment, but with technological advancement, the features can get outdated very soon. It can also get very expensive to change or update them. If you want to resale, your outdated home automation systems will not find any buyers.
  1. All the devices of a home system are mostly interconnected. It may increase the chances of a surge in electric load. If your house protection is not in order against electric shock or fire, there is a probability, worst-case scenario, that your house might catch fire and burn down. 

So, Are Smart Homes Worthy?

Despite all the disadvantages and shortcomings, smart homes provide you with many conveniences and solve your problems with ease. Be it security or remote monitoring- smart homes are a win-win situation. A nifty investment in a smart home system can provide you the following:

Style, Comfort, and Luxury

Suppose you have had a very tiring day at work.  You want nothing more than to put your feet up and relax. Will you be able to? Yes, you will! Your smart home makes it possible for you.

By the time you reach home, your dinner is all cooked, the shower is set to your preference, the heating is on, and the blinds are down. Moreover, there is a roaring fire in the fireplace. Exactly what you have been dreaming of!

Smart homes will provide you the comfort and luxury you deserve. Even if you are too tired to switch off the light, the voice-automated system in your smart home will allow you to do it with just a command. You can set any appliance to your preference- cooling, heating, refrigeration, anything!

 Smart homes are the ultimate in luxury, comfort, and style. There is no need for you to stress anymore with a smart home. 


Now, the time has come to bid farewell to conventional locks and security systems. Smart homes bring you the ultimate advanced technology, looking after the safety and security of your homes like never before. As in conventional homes, you do not need a key for smart homes. Fingerprints, facial recognition, and retina scanning technology provide a highly secured system to protect your home.

In addition, there are security cameras, motion detectors, and other security paraphernalia, which makes it doubly secure. A smart home also sends you a notification in case of any intrusion, fire, or other malfunction. Therefore, your home is as safe as it can be.

Health Monitoring

One of the most critical features a smart home has or will acquire in the coming years will be a health monitoring system. Imagine a smart home system, which keeps track of your blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol levels, and other important vitals and updates you. It can function as an early warning system. Your smart home, in the future, may have a smart toilet that can analyze your urine and stool. Based on that analysis, it can tell if you may have diabetes or any other ailment. Similarly, smart toilets will be capable of telling if a woman is pregnant. Therefore, your future smart home will help you keep a check on your health.

Care of Our Environment

Care of our planet and environment is the need of the hour. We as humans are responsible for its upkeep, and smart homes can help in that. A smart home uses less energy on heating and cooling, saves water, and uses your lights and appliances smartly, which puts less pressure on our environment. It has the promise of a better future. Besides this, there are many other amenities, which help us reduce our carbon footprint and contribute a bit to the betterment of the planet.

Other Perks

Besides the reasons given above, there are many more benefits of having a smart home. Smart cleaning is definitely one of them. You can turn on your washing machine while watching your favorite show or set the automated cleaning of the windows! Another additional benefit is that you can keep an eye on your pets. You can also set the feeder to feed them at a specific time. 

Therefore, an investment in smart homes is quite a worthy choice. However, smart homes are not for everyone. If you do want to invest in a smart home, do ample research before investing your money. You should have a clear idea of why you want a smart home. Do not be impulsive; take the time to understand the mechanics of a smart home. Remember, the cost of maintaining it is not cheap. It is also not easy to sell, as technology changes very fast and your home automation system may be outdated. Therefore, the decision to invest in a smart home or upgrade your home to one requires a lot of thought and discussion. 

To conclude, if you are ready to spend extra money to elevate your comfort and lifestyle, investment in smart homes is a perfect choice.


I am a tech enthusiast. Since the Smart Home tech came out I fell in love with it and have been following it ever since. I decided to use this platform to pour out my knowledge and experience I've had overtime to guide your decisions. Hope the experience is worth your while.

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